- ead team to successful execution on various project types including mobile applications ecommerce site and largescale web applications
A - ssess client needs and team challenges proactively to create and enable effective solutions
P - lan out project deliverables and team formation
O - versee project scope and schedule
W - ork with team to help in collaboration and meet deadlines
E - ffectively communicate client needs to project team
M - anage internal resources including designers and developers
C - ommunicate to executive team overall health of assigned accounts and projects
- mpeccable attention to detail and highly organized
S - elfmotivated and proactive
E - xcellent communicator; both written and spoken
A - ble to manage multiple projects simultaneously
R - esponsible and capable of meeting tight deadlines
E - njoy working in a collaborative environment
P - assion for quality design and innovation
A - thirst for learning
referred Skills
- xperience working with multidisciplinary teams including designers and developers
B - ackground in application development or software design
K - nowledge and understanding on Google Cloud and Python E
- xperience with web development mobile ecommerce sites and crossbrowser QA
W - ell versed in Agile/Scrum methodologies.
This job has been sourced from an external job board.
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