drjobs Area Production Manager العربية

Area Production Manager

Employer Active

1 Vacancy
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Jobs by Experience drjobs

1 - 0 years

Job Location drjobs

Abu Dhabi - UAE

Salary drjobs

Not Disclosed


Salary Not Disclosed


Any Nationality




1 Vacancy

Job Description

  • Develops well mapping program that automatically updating with Apex data and visually showing status of wells (opened or closed), reason for closing, production rate of each strings, wells, towers, pipelines and radials.
  • Prepares fields Well Head Tower Technical data book, Preparation of variety of maps on various activities of Fields.
  • Performs all or the combination of the following duties Examine all data collected for consistency and reliability to ensure that no erroneous data is accepted from site before updating in system.
  • Analyses and interprets data using available techniques including in house and external computer analyses and simulation.
  • Update closing and opening status of wells, calculated oil rate with WHFP, SLP, GOR reason for closing in APEX.
  • Calculates gas utilization of field and update in Apex, Prepare monthly, weekly reports showing Oil/Water/Gas achievements, losses due to field activities, Reservoir monitoring and Well Testing achievements.
  • Updates Water Quality data contents of Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB), Coulter Count, Iron content, Millipore, Hydrogen Sulphide, Salt content, Basic Sediment & Water (BS&W).
  • Calculates IPR of different Zone, Preparation of tower and pipeline potentials, oil and water rates and graphical presentation, trend, plot, performance of wells, production, injection rates based on data.
  • Prepares production optimization with information of wells producing above and below allowable, opened wells without allowable, closed wells with allowable and high producing wells.
  • Custodian of Tower Network Field Maps. Liaises with site, FDD, DED, Field for collecting data for creating, updating and issuing various maps.
  • Creates and updates tower network field drawing showing, Oil, Water, Gas injection towers, oil/water/gas pipelines status such as mothballed status, future planned and pigging facilities.

Employment Type


Department / Functional Area

Production / Manufacturing

Key Skills

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