drjobs Group Senior Manager Contracts - DP World English

Group Senior Manager Contracts - DP World

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1 وظيفة شاغرة
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عدد الوظائف الشاغرة

1 وظيفة شاغرة

الوصف الوظيفي

Responsible for all matters relating to the Management of Contracts for the Implementation of World Carne Services Projects from feasibility tenders submissions and through planning design construction and commissioning phases; and the management and implementation of all the contractual and commercial activities of multiple global projects for DP Worlds Group Planning & Project Management Department.


Provide the necessary contractual and commercial requirements to WCS and GPPMD to cover the following functions:

  • Understand all aspects of project targets and objectives and advice/liaise with WCS and DP World management in respect of tendering procurement strategies and project/contract delivery.
  • Work with the other departments in DP World Group to establish a contractual framework for WCS in the role as Client Contractor Consultant or Subcontractor in order to cover the different business engagements and roles that WCS work within.
  • Identify project requirements existing and future possible contractual interfaces (i.e. Clients Contractors Subcontractors) and ensure contract framework is established for accomplishment of projects.
  • Coordination of contractual matters with other company departments including DP World Head Office Departments including Business Development Procurement Equipment IT Security Legal Commercial and Finance.
  • Close liaison and coordination with Business Units and Project Teams in relation to contractual aspects of projects delivery.
  • Determine projects contract performance measures and monitor performance to identify good practices and areas for improvement.
  • Act as Custodian of the Department Contractual templates and maintain them updated from time to time to account for new Market conditions and lessons learned from our project implementations. This also includes applying new international contractual best practices.
  • Work with Project Managers and WCS Management in the preparation of tender and contract documentation and coordinate with internal and external stakeholders to secure all of our requirements are built in and reflected in our documents.
  • Liaise with other DP World Group companies during the Tender Stage of our Projects to ensure final contractual arrangement protect the best interests WCS and the DP World Group.
  • Ensure all tender submissions made and tenders submissions received is in accordance with set procedures and that the Project objectives are being reflected on Tender Submissions or being addressed by the bidders submitting to. This also includes making sure all Technical aspects are considered within the contract and commercial elements during this stage.
  • Participate in negotiations of subconsultants and subcontractors contracts for the Projects. Where appropriate lead negotiations.
  • Contribute to project review process through different project phases and advice on risk identification and mitigation and cost saving opportunities.
  • Ensure that terms and conditions of contract are adhered to by consultants & contractors to avoid any shortcomings.
  • Monitor contracts budgets and in coordination with the Cost Control team to ensure that projects are delivered within approved budgets.
  • Assess and process all contractual matters including claims and requests for EOTs Variations or Contract Addenda in a timely manner and develop recommendations on contractors/consultants submissions to determine its validity and consequences and advice appropriate course of action.
  • Join the Project Teams in the negotiation/resolution of disputes with contractors and consultants and propose settlement solutions.
  • Attend to internal / external auditors to substantiate clarify or improve on procedures at all times.
  • Apply comparative financial analysis among regional projects for evaluation purpose


  • Promote and demonstrate positive behaviours in harmony with WCS and DP World values and culture
  • Ensures that the highest levels of safety are applied in all activities.
  • Understand and adheres to WCS and DP Worlds Code of Conduct and Ethics policies
  • Performs other related duties as assigned by COOWCS and Group VP GPPMD



  • BSc Engineering / Quantity Surveying or similar related Technical Specialty


  • Experienced in the application of international contract conditions and procurement procedures
  • Minimum 10 years of International Contract Management Experience
  • Comprehensive understanding of commercial legal contractual and financial aspects of large construction projects
  • Extensive experience of working in and leading multidiscipline teams

(a) Behavioural skills:

  • Analytical based mind
  • Understanding of problems and problem solving abilities
  • Assertiveness and decisiveness
  • Management Qualities
  • Understanding of international environment
  • Clear Communication with Project Stakeholders

(b) Job related skills:

  • Effective management skills
  • Understanding of Project activities
  • Understanding of Construction Law and logical evaluation assessment
  • Effective reporting and communication skills
  • Administration and IT skills

This job has been sourced from an external job board.
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