drjobs Pathologist Consultant English

Pathologist Consultant

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1 وظيفة شاغرة

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عدد الوظائف الشاغرة

1 وظيفة شاغرة

الوصف الوظيفي

We are currently looking for a talented and experienced Pathologist Consultant/Specialist to join our team.

As a Pathologist Consultant/Specialist you will play a critical role in diagnosing and interpreting diseases through the examination of tissue samples, blood samples, and other specimens. Your expertise and attention to detail will contribute to accurate diagnoses and effective patient care.


  • Examine and analyze patient samples, including tissue biopsies, blood samples, and body fluids
  • Interpret test results and generate accurate pathology reports
  • Collaborate with other healthcare professionals to determine the most appropriate diagnostic and treatment plans
  • Consult with referring physicians and other specialists to provide insights and recommendations based on pathology findings
  • Maintain and update laboratory equipment, ensure compliance with safety protocols, and participate in quality assurance programs
  • Stay updated on the latest advancements and research in the field of pathology through continuous learning and professional development


  • Medical degree
  • Completion of a residency program in Pathology
  • Proven experience in analyzing and interpreting pathology samples
  • Strong knowledge of pathological principles, practices, and diagnostic techniques
  • Expertise in using and maintaining laboratory equipment
  • Attention to detail, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills
  • Ability to work independently and collaboratively in a multidisciplinary team
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills to effectively collaborate with colleagues and referring physicians
  • Board certification in Pathology
  • Commitment to maintaining high-quality standards and following established protocols
  • Flexibility to adapt to evolving technologies and best practices in pathology

نوع التوظيف

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الإبلاغ عن هذه الوظيفة
إخلاء المسؤولية: د.جوب هو مجرد منصة تربط بين الباحثين عن عمل وأصحاب العمل. ننصح المتقدمين بإجراء بحث مستقل خاص بهم في أوراق اعتماد صاحب العمل المحتمل. نحن نحرص على ألا يتم طلب أي مدفوعات مالية من قبل عملائنا، وبالتالي فإننا ننصح بعدم مشاركة أي معلومات شخصية أو متعلقة بالحسابات المصرفية مع أي طرف ثالث. إذا كنت تشك في وقوع أي احتيال أو سوء تصرف، فيرجى التواصل معنا من خلال تعبئة النموذج الموجود على الصفحة اتصل بنا